Colorado Springs Gazette (blog) CC professor to give TEDx TalkColorado Springs Gazette (blog)Her work in Polynesia led to the book “Collective Creativity: Art and Society in the South Pacific” (Ashgate …

Colorado Springs Gazette (blog) CC professor to give TEDx TalkColorado Springs Gazette (blog)Her work in Polynesia led to the book “Collective Creativity: Art and Society in the South Pacific” (Ashgate …
Délégation de la Polynésie française à Paris: Les associations à l …TAHITI INFOSLes premières assises des associations polynésiennes de métropole ont eu lieu, samedi, à la Délégation de la Polynésie …
'Wild waves' womanFiji TimesSailosi Batiratu Wednesday, November 13, 2013. Frederique Lehoux looks on during the signing of the French Polynesia-SPC-France agreements + Enlarge this image. Frederique Lehoux looks on during …
Chance to check out French naval frigateTimaru HeraldThe frigate's home port is Papeete in French Polynesia, and the name Prairial refers to the "month of pasture harvest" in the calendar …
GOCE Satellite Debris Falls To Earth Near Falkland Islands (PHOTO)Huffington Post UKBlue Lagoon. The Niau atoll, in the central South Pacific Ocean, is seen in this image taken on October …