Island biodiversity in danger of total submersion with climate changeenvironmentalresearchwebThe study uses the 1,269 islands from different areas that France harbored, out of which, New Caledonia and French Polynesia are …

Island biodiversity in danger of total submersion with climate changeenvironmentalresearchwebThe study uses the 1,269 islands from different areas that France harbored, out of which, New Caledonia and French Polynesia are … (press release) Polynesian Cultural Center's Christmas Lagoon Presents One-of-a-Kind Holiday … (press release)The only cultural tourist attraction of its kind in the world and a favorite of all visitors …
Vtt international de Polynésieà Moorea : une première satisfaisanteTAHITI INFOSJeudi 14 novembre 2013. La pluie est venue modifier le programme de cette première compétition internationale de vtt, organisée du 9 …
Histoire de la Polynésie : Atima Fry, guide culturel passionnéTAHITI INFOSAtima Fry, grand connaisseur de la culture polynésienne propose depuis peu, une visite guidée du musée de Tahiti et ses …
Jazz pianist Laura Dubin comes home to BrightonBrighton-Pittsford PostAfter studying jazz piano at Western Michigan University, Laura found a job on a cruise ship, where she traveled from Spain to …