Santa Cruz Mayor Hilary Bryant Challenges Tech CEOs To Surf Competition (VIDEO)Huffington PostFrance's Michel Bourez competes during his round one heat at the Billabong Pro Tahiti in the southern Pacific …

Santa Cruz Mayor Hilary Bryant Challenges Tech CEOs To Surf Competition (VIDEO)Huffington PostFrance's Michel Bourez competes during his round one heat at the Billabong Pro Tahiti in the southern Pacific …
French Polynesia calls for continued French military presenceRadio New Zealand InternationalFrench Polynesia's president has called on France to maintain its military presence in the region. Addressing a regional maritime conference …
International Business Times The Curious Case Of Rodney Fox, The Shark Attack Survivor Who Became The Great …International Business TimesSome 99 countries have now banned shark finning, while nine nations …
Les infirmiers à domicile sont-ils menacés de disparition en …TAHITI INFOSDans un communiqué de presse envoyé ce jeudi aux rédactions, le Syndicat infirmier de Polynésie française s'inquiète des prochaines décisions …
Watch – Zika Fever in French Polynesia (Tahiti)Newsroom America…Polynesia Department of Health has confirmed an outbreak of Zika fever in Tahiti and the other islands that make up the country …