New Zealand's government sides with Texas oil giant, Anadarko, bans protests …MinnPost.comIn the 1970s and 1980s, private boats crossed the South Pacific to protest nuclear testing inFrench Polynesia. Closer to …

New Zealand's government sides with Texas oil giant, Anadarko, bans protests …MinnPost.comIn the 1970s and 1980s, private boats crossed the South Pacific to protest nuclear testing inFrench Polynesia. Closer to …
Paul Gauguin Cruises Offers Holiday Sale On Select 2014 Tahiti, French …PR Newswire (press release)BELLEVUE, Wash., Nov. 26, 2013 /PRNewswire/ — MEDIA ALERT: For two weeks only, Paul Gauguin Cruises, …
La Dépêche de Tahiti Victorin Lurel : un “soutien exigeant” de la France à la PolynésieLes Nouvelles de TahitiLe ministre des Outre-mer arrive, ce matin, à Tahiti. Il restera trois …
L'aide de l'État à la Polynésie sur RTLLes Nouvelles de TahitiLa Polynésie a eu les honneurs de l'éditorial de Jean-Michel Apathie, sur les ondes de RTL, hier matin. Le chroniqueur …
Paul Gauguin Cruises Offers Holiday Sale On Select 2014 Tahiti, French …Sacramento BeeBELLEVUE, Wash., Nov. 26, 2013 — /PRNewswire/ — MEDIA ALERT: For two weeks only, Paul Gauguin Cruises, operator …