Hollande to be first French president to visit AustraliaGlobalPostParis-Canberra ties suffered during French nuclear testing in Polynesia and the sinking by French agents of the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior in …

Hollande to be first French president to visit AustraliaGlobalPostParis-Canberra ties suffered during French nuclear testing in Polynesia and the sinking by French agents of the Greenpeace ship Rainbow Warrior in …
David Dimbleby shows off his new scorpion tattooExpress.co.ukHe was looking at how tattoos were introduced to the UK after Captain Cook's first voyage to Polynesia in 1768. He turned down …
Yonanas and Dole Fresh Fruit Team Up For “Go Yonanas in Tahiti” SweepstakesPR Web (press release)… that turns frozen bananas and other frozen fruit into a healthy, delicious, frozen treat …
Communiqué: "Pas de mosquée en Polynésie" organise une …TAHITI INFOSUn collectif "Pas de mosquée en Polynésie" qui s'est organisé sur les réseaux sociaux organise une marche pacifique qui aura lieu …
Des sociétés de bijouterie chinoises en visite en PolynésieTAHITI INFOSPAPEETE, vendredi 8 novembre 2013 (Communiqué) – Une délégation de représentants de quatre sociétés de bijouterie haut de gamme, qui figurent …