Victorin Lurel en Polynésie françaiseClicanoo"L'Etat ne laissera pas tomber la Polynésie française", a assuré Victorin Lurel à l'AFP, en confirmant l'avance de trésorerie de 42 millions d'Euros accordée à cette …

Victorin Lurel en Polynésie françaiseClicanoo"L'Etat ne laissera pas tomber la Polynésie française", a assuré Victorin Lurel à l'AFP, en confirmant l'avance de trésorerie de 42 millions d'Euros accordée à cette …
Rockin' Polynesia returning to Yuba CollegeAppeal-DemocratRockin' Polynesia returning to Yuba College By Leticia Gutierrez/ lgutierrez@appealdemocrat The first time the Kalama Brothers brought their Hawaiian music to Yuba-Sutter in January …
French Polynesia epidemic of zika virus could spreadRadio New Zealand InternationalPacific health authorities are stepping up surveillance of dengue-like illnesses as a new epidemic infecting one in ten people in …
Quick Take: Michel BourezRed Bull (International)Stealer of the first ruby in the Triple Crown tiara, let's talk Power and Polynesia. What else? On the Polynesia Connection: I feel good here …
The man French expats in London would love to befriendFinancial TimesMost of the history and geology graduate's career has been spent in schools in French Territories, including Morocco and French …