Forbes Can You Tattoo A Bone?ForbesThe earliest physical evidence of the practice of skin tattooing comes not from Polynesia, whose “tatau” gives us the modern word, but rather from mummies. …

Forbes Can You Tattoo A Bone?ForbesThe earliest physical evidence of the practice of skin tattooing comes not from Polynesia, whose “tatau” gives us the modern word, but rather from mummies. …
Polynésie 1ère Finale de Proscience : les bulles carrées plébiscitéesPolynésie 1ère… 13 élèves présents sur la scène hier, il n'y avait qu'un seul garçon… © Proscience. © Proscience. Mercredi 13 …
Radio New Zealand Tahiti seeks COP21 stageRadio New ZealandFrench Polynesia's president, Edouard Fritch, has told the French foreign minister that he would like to put his territory at the centre …
Chris Sedgwick has been appointed Senior Vice President Operations, New …Hospitality NetChris Sedgwick, (right) former Vice President Operations Queensland/Northern Territory has been appointed Senior Vice President Operations, New Zealand, Fiji …
Polynésie 1ère Maître Gims fait salle comble en Nouvelle-CalédoniePolynésie 1ère1 Attaques de Requins : pourquoi la Polynésie est-elle épargnée ? 2 Edouard Fritch prêt à ouvrir son gouvernement à A …