Daily Press Hawaiian sailing canoe on worldwide voyage could visit Newport News in 2016Daily PressThe skill had died out in Polynesia, so Thompson learned it from one of only six …

Daily Press Hawaiian sailing canoe on worldwide voyage could visit Newport News in 2016Daily PressThe skill had died out in Polynesia, so Thompson learned it from one of only six …
Greek Reporter 9th Athens International Tattoo Convention Attracts More than 200 ArtistsGreek ReporterExplorers, merchants and sailors used to return from their trips with marks on their bodies, as a result …
Polynésie 1ère Hura Tapairu international : les inscriptions ouvertesPolynésie 1èreDepuis quelques années déjà, la pratique du 'ori tahiti connaît un engouement grandissant dans le monde au point que les adeptes …
Radio New Zealand Agreement signed to end French Polynesia nurses strikeRadio New ZealandA memorandum of understanding has been signed in French Polynesia to end a strike by independent nurses that …
Polynésie 1ère Incendie de Punaauia : un corps calciné retrouvéPolynésie 1ère… un corps calciné qui pourrait être celui de l'occupant des lieux (55 ans) a été retrouvé. Seule l'enquête en …