Proa to sail from Taiwan to GuamPacific Daily News"In his travels, (Pieske) discovered the history of the blue continent, and that these people, our people in Oceania, all over the …

Proa to sail from Taiwan to GuamPacific Daily News"In his travels, (Pieske) discovered the history of the blue continent, and that these people, our people in Oceania, all over the …
TNTV Reef Check Polynésie : nos récifs surveillés par l'association Te …TNTVL'association Te mana o te moana, investie dans la protection du milieu marin polynésien depuis 10 ans. Ils reprennent …
Herald Sun Isolated island of adventureHerald SunBut for the people of the remote Marquesas Islands, 1500km north of Tahiti in French Polynesia, the half passenger-half cargo ship the Aranui is …
Press Herald Write what you experience, author Paul Theroux saysPress HeraldTheroux also talked of Herman Melville finding his inspiration for “Typee: A Peep at Polynesian Life” during the month he …
TNTV La Polynésie s'invite en France pour la fête des mèresTNTVLa troupe de danse. Les journées polynésiennes se sont achevées samedi à Bagnols. Le rendez-vous culturel et festif a permis …