Cayman News Service New mosquito borne virus alert issuedCayman News ServiceSubsequently, around 10,000 cases were registered during an outbreak in French Polynesia in 2013. Seventy of these were complicated cases …

Cayman News Service New mosquito borne virus alert issuedCayman News ServiceSubsequently, around 10,000 cases were registered during an outbreak in French Polynesia in 2013. Seventy of these were complicated cases …
Radio New Zealand French Polynesia nuclear testing victims dubious about commissionRadio New ZealandThe head of an organisation representing victims of nuclear testing in French Polynesia says a commission set up …
Jamaica Observer From CHIKV to ZIKVJamaica ObserverOutbreaks have been seen since then in countries including the island of Yap in 2007, French Polynesia in 2013 and Brazil in 2015. The …
В нанесении татуировки больше нет таинства: благовещенский мастер рассказал о современном тату-искусствеИА Амур.инфоИ это очень сильно расстраивает. Нет больше какого-то таинства в нанесении татуировки, нет сакрального смысла. Всё это исчезло …
La Dépêche de Tahiti Fifo hors les murs : les Vendéens découvrent la PolynésieLa Dépêche de TahitiDéjeuner de poisson frais et petit tour dans la ville, où les drapeaux polynésiens …