Samoa And NFL: How Tiny Island Produces So Many Professional Football PlayersThe Post Game (blog)A pioneering group of college coaches recognized the uniqueness of Polynesia (Hawaii, Samoa, Tonga, Easter Island …

Samoa And NFL: How Tiny Island Produces So Many Professional Football PlayersThe Post Game (blog)A pioneering group of college coaches recognized the uniqueness of Polynesia (Hawaii, Samoa, Tonga, Easter Island … Tahiti reach for the stars once againFIFA.comUp to two dozen aspiring and current coaches – Li Fung Kuee among them – convened from all corners of French Polynesia to …
East meets island: movies from Asian Pacific Film FestivalPeople’s WorldThe most noteworthy thing about Ofa Ma Alofa is its attempt to depict pre-contact Polynesia: The action takes place 500-plus years …
Polynésie 1ère Faa'a, une ville accueillante et proprePolynésie 1èreDans le cadre du concours "J'embellis ma commune", deux associations de la ville de Faa'a s'impliquent pour garder leur ville propre en …
Deseret News New temple presidentsDeseret NewsHe has served as president of the Tahiti Papeete Mission, National Public Affairs director for French Polynesia, stake president, district president and bishop. A retired …