Angry Birds company join the fight against conservation organisation is hoping to raise £100,000 on island restoration in French Polynesia where the ground-dove is slipping ever closer to …

Polynesia Angry Birds company join the fight against conservation organisation is hoping to raise £100,000 on island restoration in French Polynesia where the ground-dove is slipping ever closer to …
NC 1ère Des patients calédoniens bientôt evasanés vers la Polynésie ?NC 1èreIl y a deux semaines, le ministre de la santé polynésien a longuement rencontré son homologue calédonienne, Valentine Eurisouké, …
Bend Bulletin Feel as though time has stopped at Tahiti?s TikehauBend BulletinThere's nothing quite so blue — vibrantly, rivetingly, blindingly blue — as the blue of the lagoon on Tikehau, …
TAHITI INFOS Championnat de Polynésie de judo par équipe: Encore de belles …TAHITI INFOSLe 02 mai avait lieu les championnats de Polynésie de judo par équipe. La fédération de judo …
Radio New Zealand Tahiti elects new French SenatorsRadio New ZealandFrench Polynesia has elected the vice-president, Nuihau Laurey, and an assembly member, Lana Tetuanui, as the territory's two new members of …